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Sheena Vasani
Jan 12, 20211 min read
Turn off the News and Love Your Neighbor
My neighbor is a Trump supporter who waves his Trump flag proudly outside of his house. I am a liberal who tries to be fair but I know I...

Sheena Vasani
Dec 4, 20193 min read
Understanding the Privileged
This piece was published in The Huffington Post. Individual #1: Racial minority, woman brought up in a single-parent household with a...

Sheena Vasani
Dec 3, 20193 min read
It's Time to Talk: South Asian Women in the U.S. Have Some of the Highest Suicide Rates
This piece was originally published in The Huffington Post. Growing up, we hear aunties and uncles boast about and compare their...

Sheena Vasani
Dec 2, 20192 min read
To End Violence Against Women, End Violence Against Boys
A piece I wrote published in The Huffington Post and UC Berkeley’s The Chronicle of Social Change In her quest to achieve some semblance...

Sheena Vasani
Dec 1, 20192 min read
Gandhi and Idealization
I just read an article arguing Gandhi likely sexually abused young girls. It reinforced for me how dangerous it is to idealize. We end up...
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